tl;dr - the top 100 3rd party scripts account for more than half of all JavaScript execution time
There have been some great explorations into this topic before but mostly centered around number of requests, total bytes, etc and correlating to performance, so I poked around for some direct answers about execution time. I’m excited about this start and the possibility to dive deeper into individual scripts, libraries, etc in the future!
Detailed queries and reports with third-party rankings are over in, but here are some highlights:
- Third-parties account for ~65% of all JavaScript execution.
- Top 100 third-parties account for ~59% of all JavaScript execution.
- Ads are the biggest chunk of third-party execution at ~23%.
- Just Google Ads and Google Tag Manager account for ~22% of all JavaScript execution.
Breakdown of 3rd Party Execution by Category
Feedback and contributions welcome! I’ve only identified ~90% of the third-party script execution origins so far, so help wanted on the long tail