Which sites are using Brotli?

Found a total of 192,633 domains using Brotli…not bad!

select domain(pages.url) as domains, avg(pages.rank) as rank
from httparchive:runs.latest_requests as req 
JOIN httparchive:runs.latest_pages as pages on pages.pageid = req.pageid
where resp_content_encoding='br'
and rank IS not NULL
group by domains
order by rank
limit 25;

EDIT 1 -

False positive guys. Most of these domains are just loading assets from Facebook / Google which skews the numbers. Running this query gives only 357 domains serving brotli assets (which is much more believable to be honest)

select domain(req.url) as domains, count(*) as count
from httparchive:runs.latest_requests as req 
where resp_content_encoding='br'
group by domains
order by count desc;



Has anyone done something similar for HTTP/2?

yup - HTTP/2 Adoption

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Is it harmful to the site