I was using this kind of queries, it works well until I am researching some advanced functions I see available from the reference called Query Reference (Standard SQL), but this query is actually (the Legacy SQL) (called by Google doc), there are some function differences and difference on table reference as well, like this [httparchive:runs.latest_pages] is not recognized in the standard SQL mode, when running this code, if click Show Options, click “Uncheck Legacy SQL” then it reported some errors on table reference, [httparchive:runs.latest_pages] is invalid, I tried change to “httparchive:runs.latest_pages” in double quote, not working either
SELECT DOMAIN(pages.url), pages.url,
pages.rank AS rank
FROM [httparchive:runs.latest_pages] pages
JOIN [httparchive:runs.latest_requests] requests
ON pages.pageid = requests.pageid
WHERE rank IS NOT NULL AND ( ... );
https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/query-reference (the Legacy SQL)