I saw a tweet last week where Brad Frost asked about how many sites do a redirect to “m.” sites. I thought it would be interesting to try to figure this out (and teach myself SQL at the same time):
SELECT pages.pageid, pages.url, lib.url, numRedirects, rank
FROM [httparchive:runs.2013_09_01_pages_mobile] AS pages JOIN (
SELECT pageid, url
FROM [httparchive:runs.2013_09_01_requests_mobile]
WHERE url LIKE 'http://m.%/'
GROUP BY pageid, url
) AS lib ON lib.pageid = pages.pageid
WHERE numRedirects >0
ORDER BY rank asc
This gives us a list with 752 results:
I know this list is not exhaustive, but limiting to urls that end in a ‘/’ seems like a good compromise to exclude all the other attributes that are requested from http://m.* sites. For example, we miss YouTube in this query:
But in order to follow a trend, this is probably adequate.
Changing the dates of the data sets shows that this is growing from 670 YoY, and from 739 6 months ago.
You can also track ‘http://%.mobi%/’ for redirects to .mobi domains.
It appears to have 16 results, but the first 2 entries are duplicate as Foxnews.com does a series of redirects:
In fact, if you type foxnews.com on your mobile, you are redirected 3 times:
foxnews.com -> www.foxnews.com -> foxnews.mobi -> www.foxnews.mobi
HTTP Archive starts with the “www” prefix, so we just see two.