It looks like the median mobile byte sizes for different content types are very close, except for fonts (lower than desktop) and images (higher than desktop as @rviscomi mentioned above)

Given that the same amount of JS and CSS are being loaded to desktop and mobile, I believe @HenriHelvetica is right about download and hide on some popular wordpress templates being the likely culprit here.
btw - the query for the table comparing the byte sizes is here -
'desktop' AS client,
ROUND(APPROX_QUANTILES(bytesTotal, 1001)[OFFSET(501)] / 1024, 2) AS bytesTotal,
ROUND(APPROX_QUANTILES(bytesHtml, 1001)[OFFSET(501)] / 1024, 2) AS bytesHtml,
ROUND(APPROX_QUANTILES(bytesJS, 1001)[OFFSET(501)] / 1024, 2) AS bytesJS,
ROUND(APPROX_QUANTILES(bytesCSS, 1001)[OFFSET(501)] / 1024, 2) AS bytesCSS,
ROUND(APPROX_QUANTILES(bytesImg, 1001)[OFFSET(501)] / 1024, 2) AS bytesImg,
ROUND(APPROX_QUANTILES(bytesFlash, 1001)[OFFSET(501)] / 1024, 2) AS bytesFlash,
ROUND(APPROX_QUANTILES(bytesFont, 1001)[OFFSET(501)] / 1024, 2) AS bytesFont,
ROUND(APPROX_QUANTILES(bytesJson, 1001)[OFFSET(501)] / 1024, 2) AS bytesJson,
ROUND(APPROX_QUANTILES(bytesOther, 1001)[OFFSET(501)] / 1024, 2) AS bytesOther,
ROUND(APPROX_QUANTILES(bytesHtmlDoc, 1001)[OFFSET(501)] / 1024, 2) AS byteHtmlDoc
FROM `httparchive.summary_pages.2018_08_01_desktop` page
INNER JOIN `httparchive.technologies.2018_08_01_desktop` w
ON page.url = w.url
WHERE bytesTotal > 0 and app="WordPress"
GROUP BY client
'mobile' AS client,
ROUND(APPROX_QUANTILES(bytesTotal, 1001)[OFFSET(501)] / 1024, 2) AS bytesTotal,
ROUND(APPROX_QUANTILES(bytesHtml, 1001)[OFFSET(501)] / 1024, 2) AS bytesHtml,
ROUND(APPROX_QUANTILES(bytesJS, 1001)[OFFSET(501)] / 1024, 2) AS bytesJS,
ROUND(APPROX_QUANTILES(bytesCSS, 1001)[OFFSET(501)] / 1024, 2) AS bytesCSS,
ROUND(APPROX_QUANTILES(bytesImg, 1001)[OFFSET(501)] / 1024, 2) AS bytesImg,
ROUND(APPROX_QUANTILES(bytesFlash, 1001)[OFFSET(501)] / 1024, 2) AS bytesFlash,
ROUND(APPROX_QUANTILES(bytesFont, 1001)[OFFSET(501)] / 1024, 2) AS bytesFont,
ROUND(APPROX_QUANTILES(bytesJson, 1001)[OFFSET(501)] / 1024, 2) AS bytesJson,
ROUND(APPROX_QUANTILES(bytesOther, 1001)[OFFSET(501)] / 1024, 2) AS bytesOther,
ROUND(APPROX_QUANTILES(bytesHtmlDoc, 1001)[OFFSET(501)] / 1024, 2) AS byteHtmlDoc
FROM `httparchive.summary_pages.2018_08_01_mobile` page
INNER JOIN `httparchive.technologies.2018_08_01_mobile` w
ON page.url = w.url
WHERE bytesTotal > 0 and app="WordPress"
GROUP BY client